Saturday, February 2, 2008


Q: Why do the innocent suffer?

A: We have had a number of questions turned in related to suffering and the problem of evil. For many, this is their greatest obstacle to faith. That is also the topic we’ll be dealing with this weekend at La Croix. Please join us at one of our three services!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think there has been a "false" understanding running through Christianity - which says "If you are trying to live for Jesus, then you won't have any problems, i.e. suffering in your life." This is straight out of Old Testament thinking, where suffering, disease, problems in general were seen as a result of God's punishment for sin. I think this is seen in John 9:2 when Jesus' disciples ask Him, "Who sinned, ... that this man was born blind." That concept is still the way many think. Therefore it seems so strange for the person who is living for God, (trying to) to suffer. The flip side I think is; Christians do suffer, we just has a place to take our suffering. (Jesus) Paul is a prime example - he determine God's Grace to be sufficient for his suffering. As Christians I think we are called to focus God, not our circumstances, be it suffering or....