Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Why did God create human beings?

Q: If God is perfection and needs nothing, why did He create us? He doesn’t NEED humanity. Sometimes it just seems like a game to play. I really don’t get why He made us in the first place.

A: It’s a game only if bringing children into the world is a game. Why do couples have children? Because they want to share their love for each other with someone of their own flesh and blood. Love always wants to share; it is never self-seeking but always others focused. God, who has forever existed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, has dwelt in perfect joy and infinite love. This “community of oneness” created human beings to share their love so others could be in on a very good thing.

Yes, it is true that God doesn’t need humanity. In that sense, I didn’t need my children before they were born. But, that isn't the way love looks at things. Love is never concerned with what it needs; it is only concerned with the beloved, the object of its affection. Why did God create us? So that we might know and love him forever!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love this response to this great question. Couldn't have said it better!